It has been a while since we've posted and Millie has been amazing as usual. It all comes so fast and fabulous that I can never seem to get it into the blog fast enough.
So without much preamble or preparation, I would just like to share a couple recent moments:
1: Millie's grandparents are visiting and it's been wonderful watching Millie and Joy have such a great time with them. Sadly, they'll be headed home this afternoon and Grandma and Grandpa are a little sad about that.
Grandpa said to Millie, while holding Joy in his arms: Millie, Can we take Joy with us? Please?
Millie: NOoooooo. Mommy made her in her tummy- she's OURS. She's not a Valentine to give away!
2) While leaving for work two mornings ago:
Mommy: Bye Millie. I'll miss you.
Millie: I'll miss you too mommy. Don't worry- our hearts will be together forever.
3) Millie has reached the age of bad dreams. So sad, when you rush in the room and her cheeks are all wet with tears. A few nights ago, I went in as she woke up wailing.
Mommy: Millie- what is it?
Millie: Mommy it was my dream. It was so scary. (She told me what it was but I've already forgotten).
Mommy: It's ok. It was only a dream.
Millie: Mommy, sometimes I have bad dreams and they make me sad. Sometimes I just need a little bit of couwage.
Oh Millie-- you have more courage than most people I know.
Around the bend in the river.
6 years ago