Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Confusing colloquiliasms

The other day we spotted a rainbow over a local ice cream factory. Ever since then, whenever we pass the factory she says, "Do we see a wainbow?" So far, no luck on repeat rainbows.

Today we had the following exchange:

Millie: Do you see a wainbow, Mommy?
Mommy: No. Not today but we better keep an eye out for it.
Millie: (Silence as she tries to figure out what that means).
Mommy: (Silence as she thinks to herself-- that may not be the best way to phrase it for an imaginative toddler).
Mommy: That means we will be watching very carefully for it.
Millie: Then I will keep TWO eyes out for it.
Mommy: That's a good idea.


  1. Equally confusing was when I was standing in front of the refrigerator at the store trying to choose a beer and Millie was shouting "Chug, chug, chug!"

    For some reason I couldn't convince the other shoppers that she hasn't attended frat parties and that she was actually imitating a train ...

  2. That's pretty good. I had forgotten about that.

    Niffer, "Chug Chug" in front of the beer fridge ranks right up there with this moment- http://niffer-all-grown-up.blogspot.com/2009/07/suck-it-daddy.html

  3. Hmm... why didn't my comment get posted?

    I wrote to say that you should just wait until she starts telling the story herself! Ellie has heard us tell the "suck it Daddy" story so many times that now she'll randomly tell the story too and then laugh. It's almost as funny as the original.
