Friday, December 11, 2009

Life with a 2 year old

We are in the thick of it-- those "Terrible Twos". Admittedly it could be worse (shudder) but it's a bit trying for everyone... including Millie.

Today I felt a little bad for her after she was being particularly difficult:

Millie: I don't want to wear a hat.
Mommy: Fine then you may be cold.
Millie: I don't want to be cold!
Mommy: Fine then wear a hat.
Millie: I don't WANT to wear a hat!

After her cold walk to the car with no hat on she said pathetically, "I want to be gooood."

It's like they don't know what to do with themselves. It made me think that sometimes she actually wants to cooperate but all the signals are getting jangled in her brain and she can't get the right choice to come out. I know parents have been through this through the millenia, but just like getting used to your newborn, it feels like we're all trying to figure it out a bit from scratch.

1 comment:

  1. I like your perspective on the situation. I think it's wonderful that you can see that it's hard on Millie too. Her saying she wants to be good is just heartwarming. Hugs.
