Monday, February 22, 2010


After what seems has been the snowiest winter in memory, our little corner of the world is starting to thaw out. And El Nino this week has started to bring rain rather than 3 feet of snow (whew!).

Still, I miss the sun. I am definitely a Spring and Summer fan. Particularly late Spring with it's warm, but not too hot, breezy, beautiful, blooming days.

This morning over breakfast we talked about the weather.

Daddy: Looks like it's going to be a rainy day.
Mommy: Maybe it won't rain until later or not at all (hoping for some sun and a chance for Millie to run around outside at daycare. Then I wondered what Millie was thinking...) Millie, do you want it to be rainy or sunny today?
Millie: (thinks quietly for a moment) Rainy.
Mommy: Really (perplexed)? Why?
Millie: Cause it will make the flowers grow.

Beautiful. Yet another example of how we could all occasionally use the fresh view point of a toddler. Today the rain didn't seem as gloomy as long as I could hear her little voice chirping "'Cause it makes the flowers grow." Thanks Millie.


  1. That is so so so so sweet! I hear you, though! I am so ready for spring and warmer weather! I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. We've all been taking turns being sick since the first week of January and it hasn't stopped. How do you keep a family of four healthy through the winter months? I think the answer is to isolate everyone to their own rooms.
