Millie has a lot to say... all the time.
Funny enough, I remember when she was an infant, I actually considered getting her hearing checked because so many babies her age were babbling and cooing all the time but she wasn't. She was happy. She grinned and lit up if you talked to her but no response.
I had a friend who said, "Don't worry. Be grateful. When she starts, you probably won't ever have quiet again." She was right. Millie keeps a running commentary going constantly.
Millie: Good morning Joy! I missed you so much! I love you so much! Did you have nice dreams Pocahontas yelled happily as she wan down the hall (yes she narrates her narration).
Yesterday I tried to get her to walk quietly past the babie's room while the baby napped. On and on she kept talking. "Shhhhh!" I kept saying, "The baby is sleeping." On and on she went, "That's wight. We should be vewy quiet. Joy is sleeping. When will she wake up? I want huh to play wif me. When is she going to wake up..."
Mommy: Millie. Can you stop talking for just one minute please.
Millie: No. God wants to hear what I have to say.
Well how do your respond to that? We're not particularly religious and Millie has been to church maybe 3 times so I don't know where she came up with such an idea. But at the time, I thought it was such a deep thought that I couldn't argue with that. Later, I thought I could have told her that sometimes you need to be quiet to hear what God wants to say to you... but I didn't think of that then. She sure keeps me on my toes.
Around the bend in the river.
6 years ago
I love this little girl. Oh my! I think it's incredible how she narrates her narration. That's just hysterical. And "God wants to hear what I have to say"... OMG!!!! That is just perfect. She's perfect. And yes, she does talk A LOT. I wonder if that's how Addie will be. She seems to be "behind" what Ellie was. I want to write more... I feel like I should since this post gave me such a big smile.