Dear Millie,
You just turned 4 years old. I have not blogged much recently because you have kept us quite busy. It has been quite a challenge for all of us. You have heard "No," quite often and exasperated sighs and occasionally louder moments of frustration. Three was a tough year. But, I am starting to see the light in the distance... the warm glow of reason and cooperation returning to your brain.
I thought this might be a good time to let you know that although it has been challenging, we have had some really truly wonderful moments that I wanted to share with you.
Tidbits I:
I LOVE the fact that you giggled out loud in your sleep the night after your 3rd birthday party. You loved the Great Zucchini.
This year at your 4th birthday gymnastics party, you let them lift you 20 feet into the air on spotting ropes. You are soo brave!!
You are an outgoing little firecracker who is kind to the quiet kids: At the playground the other day Milie was playing with daddy but there were no other kids. Eventually another daddy arrived with his 3 year old daughter and Millie, who had never met this girl before, ran up to her with arms wide open, yelling, "Hoo-wayyy! My fwiend is heah!!" Although she was ready to tackle this stranger with a hug, the little girl was not sure. "Don't worry," said Millie, "It's just me- Millie. I'll give you a minute."
You love sitting and looking through books for 20-30 minutes at a time... then will hop up and run and dance around like a wild child.
I love that you cheer for the other kids in gymnastics class louder than their own parents.
I love that you laugh easily and love to make others laugh.
If you want to get us to laugh you'll get a ribbon and wrap it around your forehead and sing the theme to Rambo (Dad taught you that).
You dubbed your grandparents "Grandma-Honey" and "Grandpa-Honey" because they always are calling each other Honey.
I'm amazed by how you memorized entire magazines and books word for word.
At 3 years old you were amazingly creative and you will create entire fantasy worlds and give everyone you encounter a role: "Step-muddah? Where are you? It's me Cinda-wella"
I love that you appreciate the great outdoors. You have walked outside and said, with a big sigh and with arms wide open, "What a wonderful refweshing day!"
We love that you love your babysister so much that kissing her is like eating a potato chip for you- you can't have just one. You kiss her head, her cheeks, her toes, her elbow-- anything you can get to before she starts fussing for some personal space. If she's fussy, you try to get her to laugh or frantically try to find a toy for her.
You have so much energy that you RUN every where you're going-- even if it's 10 feet. Sometimes if there's a long way to get there, you'll take it just so you can run farther.
Happy or sad- you live passionately. It is my goal to encourage your joie de vivre without smothering your passion.
Dear Millie, thanks again for choosing our family and sharing your joy and passion with us.
We love you.
Around the bend in the river.
6 years ago
OMG! These brought such strong smiles to my face! I just want to give Millie a great big hug. She has such an amazing personality. I loved the "It's ok. I'm just me. I'll give you a minute." Too cute! Thank you so much for sharing.
ReplyDeleteMillie, you are indeed a blessing. I'm so happy that I got to know you.