Friday, August 7, 2009

Big Girl Bed

So the delivery men came around 11am and in a flurry of activity and whirring drills the crib was disassembled and a twin bed frame was erected.

The mattress arrived 2-3 weeks ago. It was on the floor in a nearby room. We had already bought sheets for it and were using the mattress to read bedtime stories

There wasn't enough room for both crib and bed in the room so when we got the word from the furniture delivery folks that they were on their way, we scrambled to take down the crib. And by "we", I mean my husband. I tried to entertain Millie and prayed she wouldn't be too disturbed by watching her crib be taken apart. She seemed intrigued.

We let her take a peek as they started to put the bed together then we went to the kitchen for lunch. After lunch was completed, we went upstairs for the big reveal.

She walked into her room and didn't say anything at first. We held our breath.

Then she turned to me and said, "Mommy will you get me in?" She can climb in but I think at first it seemed enormous to her compared to the crib she woke up in this morning. I helped her up into the bed a little and she climbed the rest of the way up and said, "I'm in!" like some kind of explorer scaling a wall into a castle. She, of course, immediately started bouncing up and down. After a few minutes we said, "Ok Millie, ready to take a nap in your big girl bed?" She said, "Yesh!" And toddled over to the pillow end where she said, "I made it," and lay down. Then she spread out her arms and said, "It's so comforbul and beautiful."

We were relieved.

I sat in the rocking chair next to the bed for a little while to make sure she was settled and drifting off to sleep. She was so excited, she sang at least 5 songs (Mary had a little lamb, The Wonderpets theme, Twinkle Twinkle, Baa Baa black sheep and then "I'm not perfect" by Laurie Berkner) before I said, "Ok Millie, time to close your eyes and go to sleep." I sat reading my book until her breathing become more regular- finally she was asleep.

Looking in on her sleeping, she looks so little in that big bed.

Here's hoping for sweet dreams...


  1. Sounds like a sweet transition ... SWEET DREAMS, Millie, my love. If Millie is anything like her mom, pretty soon she'll be competing with stuffed animals for space in the comforbul big girl bed.

  2. Oh, this is so cute! I'm glad to hear that she likes the bed, even if it's a big transition for her and might be contributing to the sleep problems.

    I loved picturing her being proud of herself for making it safely onto the bed. That's adorable.

    It sounds like she likes it, which I'm not surprised.

  3. Wow she has a big girl bed already?! Mine is in the toddler conversion of her crib, complete with her stepstool so that she can get in an out by herself (even though she forgets that she can get in and out on her own!)

  4. Teendoc, her crib wasn't convertible or we might have gone more gradual. We definitely have the step stool going. Last night was better... here's hoping.
