Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Comedienne

Millie has always had a rough time with saying goodbye at bedtime. She cries for us to come get her after we leave the room when we put her to sleep. She's gotten to the age when shes trying to strategize on any way that might get us back in the room besides crying.

Recently there have been lots of diaper training attempts. So on the monitor we may here "Millie poop". As we crack the door open though, she actually chuckles and says, "Millie funny." Is my 20 month old mocking me already-- I thought I had to wait until at least she was thirteen. I'd be worried if it weren't so funny.

She's clever but she hasn't figured out the timing of the punchline yet. If she says, "Millie funny" before we've actually checked her diaper- we now know we can say "Night night, Millie," and turn around at the door. She's right though, Millie funny.


  1. We have found that we're much more successful at leaving if we can get Ellie to laugh right beforehand. I know people say that tickling a child right before bedtime doesn't put them in the calm state that they need to be in, but it does put them in a happier, more confident state. We do all sorts of things to try to get her to laugh right before saying good night.

    Recently, though, the most successful thing has been to ask her if she wants her door closed. She always always says she wants it open, and open all the way, but it seems to keep her happy and less scared to be alone. It bothered me for a while (because an open door doesn't block the sound from downstairs as much as a closed one) but then I reminded myself that I used to hate having my door closed at bed time. As it turns out, the sounds that we make downstairs don't seem to bother her - they actually reassure her that we're still around.

    Good luck and I agree that Millie funny. I wish so badly that I could hang out with that spunky little girl!
